Arlette Tineza
I’m Arlette Tineza, I’m Filipino and I’m all about love and loyalty. I’m going to be real, I want a real connection but I also need financial support and stability. I want consistency and a lil bit of fun I’m very open minded and I want you to be flexible with me cuz I can be flexible with you.
- Email Me/jpay
Message me on JPay.
State: Idaho
Inmate # 128395
Name: Arlette Tineza
Agency: Idaho Department of Corrections.
- Write Me
You can write me at the following address:
Arlette Tineza IDOC # 128395
Pocatello Women’s Correctional Center – Unit 4
1451 Fore Road
Pocatello, ID 83204
Do not send cash, personal checks or stamps. The letter(s) inside must be addressed to the inmate on the envelope.
Mail must have a return address (as defined by the USPS), including an identifiable last name.