Breann Hall
My name is Breann Hall, but go by Bree, My inmate number is #24908. I am 31, and currently in Ottawa County Jail, OH. I’ve got about 6 months left. I’m hoping to find a consistent friend, possibly more. I enjoy great conversation, so add me on the Getting Out app.
- Message Me
Message me through GTL GettingOut
Facility: Ottawa County OH
Booking # 24908
Name: Breann Hall
- Mailing Address
Make sure writing is clear.
Breann Hall # 24908
Ottawa County Detention Center, OH
P.O. Box 247
Phoenix, MD. 21131
Inmate receives a photocopy of the letter. Make sure to include your name and address in the letter. The return address must include the full first name and full last name of the sender. Do not use initials.