Jalyn Nickson
Hey how are you? I hope you like what you see. 😏 My name is Jalyn but everyone calls me Bunny. 🥰 I am 21 years old, I’m born and raised in Atl, GA. I have no kids and I am not married. If you feel like you like what you see text my number or Dm Me on Instagram. 💕 IG:athickassbunny #4049898272
- Message Me
Message me through GTL GettingOut
Facility: Cobb Adult Detention Center
Serial # 001057316
Name: Jalyn Nickson
- Mailing Address
Jalyn Nickson SOID# 001093015
Cobb County ADC/ Georgia
P.O. Box 247
Phoenix, Maryland 21131
Inmate receives a photocopy of the letter. Make sure to include your name and address in the letter. The return address must include the full first name and full last name of the sender. Do not use initials.