Katie Keais

Meet Katie, she isn’t just an inmate; she’s a comet streaking across the night sky — a rare blend of mischief, intellect, and heart. Her laughter, her quirks, her unique blend of wit, resilience, and compassion are envied by some, resented by other, loved by most, but eternally remembered by all. Whether she’s cracking jokes or lending a sympathetic ear, Katie leaves an indelible mark on those fortunate enough to cross her path.
Katie radiates an unconventional charm. Her lightheartedness, sociability, and playful demeanor inject a much-needed dose of positivity into this otherwise monotonous environment.
Despite her circumstances, Katie’s infectious energy remains intact. She’s the type who can turn a grim moment into a shared laugh, lifting the spirits of those around her.

Contact me through GTL GettingOut

Facility: Douglas County GA
Inmate: Katie Keais
Booking Number # 00385106

My postal mailing address: Postcards only!!

Katie Keais # 00385106
Douglas County Jail
8472 Earl D Lee Blvd
Douglasville, GA 30134

Mail must have a return address (as defined by the USPS ), including an identifiable last name.

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