Lindsey Johnson
My name is Lindsey. I am 35 years old. I am currently incarcerated at Anson Correctional. I have lived at the beach my whole life, I love the ocean and the outdoors. I love music and concerts. I am interested in meeting new people and making new friends or whatever happens. 🙂 it gets lonely in here so I have plenty of time to build healthy, fun relationships.
Add me on the Getting Out App, let’s talk! (Also, there are two Lindsey Johnson’s for Anson on the getting out app, make sure you add me…1425548!)
Message me through GTL GettingOut
Facility: NCDAC Anson CC
Inmate name: Lindsey Johnson
ID # 1425548
- Mailing Address
Lindsey Johnson #1425548
NCDAC – Anson Correctional Institution
P.O. Box 247
Phoenix, MD 21131
Include name and address in the letter. The return address must include the full first name and full last name of the sender. Do not use initials.