Maija Sharp
High spirited, fun loving, outgoing thrill seeker that’s always ready to play on any team to any sport. Loves life and always ready to try new experiences, never a dull moment with my bigger than life personality, even on my down time sitting back watching the green bay packers whoop some a$$ 😉
Looking for someone to match my stride, has a good head on their shoulders, that can make me laugh, and that is goal oriented, appreciates life and is not afraid to go for what they want.
- Message Me
Message me through GTL GettingOut
Facility: NCDAC Anson CC
Inmate name: Maija Sharp
ID # 1700387
State: North Carolina
Prison: Anson Correctional Institution
- Mailing Address
Non-legal mail sent to people incarcerated in NCDAC prison facilities is screened and scanned and delivered electronically to tablets.
Maija Sharp #1700387
NCDAC – Anson Correctional Institution
P.O. Box 247
Phoenix, MD 21131
Include name and address in the letter. The return address must include the full first name and full last name of the sender. Do not use initials.