Nicole Caribo
Hi my name is Nicole Caribo. I am 38 years old, 5’7, 140 lbs. with brown hair and green eyes. I grew up in South Florida and love the beaches and basically anything outdoors. I’m looking for someone with positive vibes and good energy that can be a shining light in this dark situation I got myself into. You can add me on the Securus e-messaging app using my DC # K75410 or write me at PO Box 23608 Tampa, FL 33623.
- Email Me
Message me on Securus
State: Florida
Inmate ID# K75410
Name: Nicole Caribo
Agency: Florida State Prison System
Location: Lowell Work Camp
- Write Me
You can write me at the following address:
Nicole Caribo # K75410
Lowell Work Camp
PO Box 23608
Tampa, FL 33623
Do not send cash, personal checks or stamps. The letter(s) inside must be addressed to the inmate on the envelope.
Mail must have a return address (as defined by the USPS), including an identifiable last name.