Rachel Adkins

38 years old (almost 39) artistic, energetic, compassionate… loves cars, trucks, motorcycles…. Loves health and fitness and the outdoors… Loves to learn! Determined to find value in everyday that I’m here. Not the same girl that I once was. You can write me email using the Securus/JPay app. You can write me a good old fashioned letter but you must follow the rules outlined at https://fdc.myflorida.com/ci/ContactInmate.html. I really would like to have someone to just to communicate with to pass the time I have left on my sentence. (2 years)

Message me on Securus, JPay

State: Florida
Inmate ID# F21005
Name: Rachel Adkins
Agency: Florida State Prison System
Location: Lowell Correctional Institution

You can write me at the following address:

Adkins, Rachel # F21005
Lowell Correctional Institution
PO Box 23608
Tampa, FL 33623

Do not send cash, personal checks or stamps. The letter(s) inside must be addressed to the inmate on the envelope.

Mail must have a return address (as defined by the USPS), including an identifiable last name.

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