Robin Forrester

My name is Robin Forrester everyone calls me Nikki. I am 34 years old, brown eyes, brown hair, weight 150. I speak Spanish fluently as well as reading and writing.
I’m currently looking for a friend/companionship. Loyalty is very important to me. I like to have fun, I’m very adventurous, I love to laugh and just enjoy life’s challenges. I would like someone to stand with me in my toughest times. I’m a loving and caring person.
I’m looking for someone who’s HONEST and willing to give me the chance to show them the real me. I’m a big football fan and most of all I’m a great person. I am an open book. If there is anything else you want to know feel free to contact me. I look forward to hearing from you.  😉

You can write me at the following address:

Robin Forrester #1955348
Virginia Correctional Center for Women (VCCW)
P.O. Box 1
Goochland, VA 23063

Mail or publications containing images or depictions of sexual situations, nudity or sexual acts are prohibited.

Do not send cash, personal checks or stamps.  The letter(s) inside must be addressed to the inmate on the envelope.

Mail must have a return address (as defined by the USPS ), including an identifiable last name.

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