Sheila Wilkins

Hi, I’m Sheila Wilkins
I’m a single, fun person, exhibitionist, spontaneous former exotic dancer for many years. Spend most of my time playing pool, riding my motorcycle. I’m good people and I’m riding this journey of twenty four months alone. You can write me or you can text me. Information for both is below.
To write me:
Sheila Wilkins opus # 0438687
Anson Correctional Institution
P.O. Box 247
Phoenix, MD 21131

To text me download “GTL Getting Out” app.
Make account and when you go to deposit, make sure you click on “friends and family” and it will put money on YOUR app to text me at twenty five cents a text! If you click on my name and opus it puts money on MY tablet. It let’s you pick either or.
Make sure in all text that you SPELL out ALL numbers or it won’t go through! Address, phone numbers, dollar amounts, times and etc. Send me a selfie and tell me about you. Sheila

Message me through GTL GettingOut 

Facility: NCDAC Anson CC
Inmate name: Sheila Wilkins
ID # 0438687
State: North Carolina
Prison: Anson Correctional Institution

Sheila Wilkins #0438687
NCDAC – Anson Correctional Institution
P.O. Box 247
Phoenix, MD 21131

Include name and address in the letter. The return address must include the full first name and full last name of the sender. Do not use initials.

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