Tabatha Howard
Looking for friendship or relationship 45+ man who is mature, well seasoned, loyal and established and knows what he wants in life. I enjoy playing music, painting and anything to do with nature, from plant life to hiking. I am open minded, fun and lovable. Hope to hear from you soon.
- Messages
E-Message me through Securus
State: Kentucky
Inmate ID# 248927
Inmate Name: Tabatha Howard
Facility: Kentucky Adult Institutions
Kentucky Correctional Institution for Women
- Write Me
You can write to me at:
Tabatha Howard #248927
KCIW – Kentucky Correctional Institution for Women
PO Box 337
Pewee Valley, KY 40056
White paper and envelopes is required. No address labels and please include your full name and address. Mail must have a return address (as defined by the USPS), including an identifiable last name.