Amanda Wyrick
Hello my name is Amanda Wyrick #0101679
I’m currently in Topeka Correctional Facility.
I’m looking for someone to chat with.
I’m 44 years old with a great personality and a good heart.
I would like to get to know you.
We have a messaging site called GTL Getting Out app
All you got to do is download the app create an account and add me.
It asks what correctional facility so Topeka Correctional Facility.
And we can start chatting right away, I hope to hear from you…
If you would rather, write a letter to the address listed.
- Message Me
Message me through GTL getting out:
Facility: Topeka Correctional (KSDOC) – KS
Inmate Name: Amanda Wyrick
ID # 101679
- Write Me
My postal mailing address:
Amanda Wyrick #101679
Topeka Correctional Facility
815 SE Rice Rd
Topeka, KS 66607
Must include your name and address and the inmate’s name, DOC# within the letter or the mail will not be delivered. Mail must have a return address (as defined by the USPS ), including an identifiable last name.