Brittny Adams

Hello, My name is Brittny Adams 0107534 and I’m 30 years old. I’m currently seeking mature companionship from both men and women. I enjoy doing hair and make up, listening to music, reading, learning new things and also good conversation. I’m looking for someone who is ambitious, adventurous, open minded, persistent and understanding. I am on my down slope and only have three years left. I’m looking forward to meeting new people and building new relationships/ friendships. If interested in meeting me you can contact me on and register then download the gettingout app and enter your information. Or you can reach me at Brittny Adams 107534 Topeka correctional facility 815 SE Rice Road, Topeka, Kansas 66607. I hope to hear from you soon.

Message me through GTL getting out

Facility: Topeka Correctional (KSDOC) – KS
Inmate Name: Brittny Adams
ID # 107534

My postal mailing address: 

Brittny Adams #0107534
Topeka Correctional Facility
815 SE Rice Rd
Topeka, KS 66607

Must include your name and address and the inmate’s name, DOC# within the letter or the mail will not be delivered. Mail must have a return address (as defined by the USPS ), including an identifiable last name.

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