India Lindsay

Hi! My name is India. I have been incarcerated since I was 18. I am due to be released in 2030. I have learned a lot about myself since being incarcerated. I have definitely learned that, once released, I never want to be incarcerated again. I am looking for friendship beyond these walls. Just someone I can everyday talk with, vent with, and most definitely laugh with. I love playing basketball, and am very outgoing. I look forward to any correspondence.

Message me through GTL GettingOut

Facility: NCDAC Anson CC
Inmate name: India Lindsay
ID # 1381053
Prison: Anson Correctional Institution – North Carolina

India Lindsay #1381053
Anson Correctional Institution
P.O. Box 247
Phoenix, MD 21131

Include name and address in the letter. The return address must include the full first name and full last name of the sender. Do not use initials.

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